WHERE TO USE: Ozone generators can be to deodorize homes, offices, and schools. Ozone generators are especially helpful at removing odors in places like cars, kitchens, basements, and pet or smoking areas.
WORD OF WARNING: All ozone generators should only be used in unoccupied spaces. Don't let people or pets enter the area until 30 minutes after ozone generation ends. Not available for sale in California; EPA Est. No.: 94720-CHN-1.
OZONE OUTPUT: An output of 5,000 mg/h can deodorize your space from odors, smoke, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs.) Use twice per week to maintain healthy air in your home.
TOUGH ON ODORS: Ozone is a very powerful deodorizing agent which removes leftover odors from smoke, cooking, pets, and general “musty” smells.
Simple operation: Choose between setting the timer up to 120 minutes or using the "HOLD" setting for continuous ozone production. After setting the timer, exit the room until ozone generation is complete, then wait 30 minutes for the residual ozone to dissipate before re-entering the room.
Airthereal MA5000 Commercial Ozone Generator - High Capacity Odor Remover for Homes, Cars, and Pets (Covers up to 2000 sq.ft., Blue)
WHERE TO USE: Ozone generators can be to deodorize homes, offices, and schools. Ozone generators are especially helpful at removing odors in places like cars, kitchens, basements, and pet or smoking areas.
WORD OF WARNING: All ozone generators should only be used in unoccupied spaces. Don't let people or pets enter the area until 30 minutes after ozone generation ends. Not available for sale in California; EPA Est. No.: 94720-CHN-1.
OZONE OUTPUT: An output of 5,000 mg/h can deodorize your space from odors, smoke, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs.) Use twice per week to maintain healthy air in your home.
TOUGH ON ODORS: Ozone is a very powerful deodorizing agent which removes leftover odors from smoke, cooking, pets, and general “musty” smells.
Simple operation: Choose between setting the timer up to 120 minutes or using the "HOLD" setting for continuous ozone production. After setting the timer, exit the room until ozone generation is complete, then wait 30 minutes for the residual ozone to dissipate before re-entering the room.